Saturday 7 January 2012

Week 1 of 52 wk challenge!

First photo shoot as a family of 4
I am still getting used to this 'blogging thing' and finding my style. So please have patience with me if this is all over the place. I will get there one post at a time.

2011, definitely a year to remember. So many things have happened which have caused me to grow both spiritually and emotionally. Starting the year on a sad note through loosing my Grandma was definitely a challenge that I would have rathered avoided. But through this tragedy, our family has grown closer and we now see each other regularly.

There are definitely many things that I am grateful for in 2011.

I fell pregnant (after a miscarriage in Dec) and was so happy as we had moved home (after a year of living away due to my hubby's job) and I would now have the support of my friends and family that I had missed the previous year. My husband transferred back home and is now working as a youth pastor in our home church.

We started the year out by living with my in-laws as we were waiting for our rental house to become empty. I was so grateful when we moved in as it felt like home immediately.

Although the I was fairly sick throughout my pregnancy I am so blessed that my little one was healthy
throughout the whole pregnancy. Miss 3mths was born in October a healthy 8lb 4oz (I couldn't believe that as Master 2 was only 6lb) after only 3 hrs of intense labour with only gas and air. I was so proud ofmyself as I am such a wimp and never thought that would happen.

In August we had the pleasure of spending a week camping at Cania Gorge. It was such a relaxing break before the arrival of our second child. If you are ever up this way and like a getaway, this is a beautiful escape with so much to do!

Master 2 enjoying the outdoors at Cania Gorge
At the end of 2011 (after Miss 3mths was born) our family was very privileged to spend 2 wks together at home.Family time is what 'fills my tank', it doesn't matter what we are doing as long as we are together sharing laughs and
closeness. I love seeing my hubby spend one on
one time with Master 2 teaching him things. For example Master 2 received a big boys bike for
his birthday and hubby has been teaching him how to ride.

 2011 was definitely the year of holidays. At the end of November we embarked on a road trip to Sydney to see hubby's sister and bro in-law be ordained as Salvation Army Officers (pastors). I was so apprehensive about this trip as it was such a long drive and we were traveling overnight (as to give the kiddies the most chance of sleeping). Master 2 decided after 2 hrs of sleep that he could stay awake. I am so thankful for Car DVD players (installed the week before) as this kept him occupies with his favourite movie 'Cars' until his eyes could no longer stay open. Miss 3mths slept most of the way and we only had to stop enough times so that she could be fed. This trip was crazy busy, but we were so grateful that we were capable of making the trip. For the first time in a long time my long time friend group were together in the same place. Also during the trip one of the girls gave birth to her second child, although we were not able to see her after, I was thankful for the time I spent catching up with her that morning. On the way home from Sydney we also stopped off for a couple of days to spend time with some family and also introduce Miss 3mths to her great Pa (hubby's Pa). Was such a special moment that I will never forget.
Waiting for the train into Sydney

So although there were many challenging situations in 2011, as I look back and reflect I have so much to be thankful for. I have learnt that I need to rely on God more for my provisions as he will always provide when things are tough. I have learnt that I need to concentrate on ME more and stop worrying about others and what they think. I have learnt that no matter how cranky, upset or depressed I feel I just need to look at my children and see their smiles and it brightens my day! I am truly a BLESSED MUM!!!

Signing off!


  1. What a great year, such a blessing when a new family member arrives. Fantastic that you now have the support and care of extended family!

  2. Hi Andrea, I am looking forward to reading your updates! Great start and welcome to blogging! x
    What an enormous year you have had! Hope 2012 brings you much peace.

  3. Don't ever be sorry - one step at a time, and you are doing great! It sounds as though you had a big year - but i love the lessons you have learnt, they are truly valuable!

  4. Good luck for 2012! Really enjoyed reading your post and then looking at your other blog posts! Enjoy the ride that is 2012! xx

  5. Thank you so much everyone. It took me all week to press 'post'. Am enjoying the experience though!

  6. Andrea - you are so awesome and you did it - the blog is great and i am excited to read along with you (and that photo is gorgeous - you are gorgeous). It is fab that you now have support and are letting go of worrying what others think. Keep filling that tank and enjoy your wonderful family!

    Deb @ home life simplified
